On Thursday, a metro bus caught on fire at Rehmanabad Station, Rawalpindi. After receiving several calls about a fire, Rescue 1122 arrived at the scene.
Media Report
According to media reports, the bus caught fire after its engine caught on fire. The bus burst into flames shortly after passengers were evacuated. The incident resulted in the bus burning to ashes, but no injuries or casualties were reported.
Some passersby recorded videos of the entire scene. A bus burst into flames and dense smoke is seen coming from it.
An earlier incident, when a Metro bus caught on fire at Jinnah Avenue Islamabad, was reported
New Metro Buses
The previous Punjab government had decided last year to replace the Metro buses with a new fleet. According to media reports, Lahore received 64 new Metro buses and was able to drive them on the route after clearing.
To replace the 64 buses that were operating along the 27-kilometer long track of Lahore Metro Bus System, the government reached an agreement with VEDA Transit Solutions. According to the report, the Bank of Punjab was both the arranger and key advisor for this agreement.
The service has been loved by the public ever since the 2013 launch of Metro buses in Lahore. They would, and why wouldn’t? It is convenient, affordable, and comfortable. It costs 30 Rupees to get from one end of Lahore to the other. Metro bus service is an invaluable resource for students, workers, families, and anyone else.
What do you think of these incidents occurring back-to-back? These incidents a problem for the metro bus service or not? Comment below to share your thoughts.
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